Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just a little magic

Like usual, I am in the middle of a Harry Potter book. I love HP, but it leaves me feeling so inadequate.

For several years I have been trying to discover my magical skills. I have tried many things. Thus far, I have been unable to stop time, teleport, read minds, fly/levitate, blow things up, produce a patronus (which I imagine would be a koala bear or something equally cute yet ferocious), telekinesis, predict the future, change the weather... (and many more)

I also know that there are certain "triggers" necessary to perform magic. I have tried pointing (like Sabrina), wiggling my nose (like Tabitha), waving my hands (like Piper), squinting (like Prue), blinking/nodding (like Jeannie), and I have done my fair share of Swishing and Flicking. Anyone got any other ideas?

I'm not asking for any mind-blowing results. I am not expecting to "jump" to Barcelona. I just want to get thru traffic a little faster or make a glass of water without getting up, and I don't need powers that are made for destruction.

I had a theory that maybe I do have powers, and just haven't discovered them yet. Usually this happens when someone acheives a certain age. Well, 18 came and went--- no powers, no family secrets revealed. I still had hope. 21 came and went--- still no powers... ok, is someone playing a trick on me? I can't be normal...

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