Thursday, November 6, 2008

Decision '08!!!!!

Finally, I am filled with hope for the future. We have been surrounded by so much negativity and cynicism lately... but things are about to change! With the election of Barack Obama, I have a renewed excitement for this nation and it's future. I am not a very patriotic person, but I am feeling excited about what good things are to come.

To all the doubters, good things only happen when you believe they will. We need to put some faith in Obama and give him and his policies a chance. I've heard people say that they can't wait for him to fail so they can say "I told you so". This is not the pettiness we need. How do we expect our leaders to work together, if we can't even give them our confidence?

I am a little put-off by how much emphasis is being put on race in this election. It is a monumental day in civil rights, but race shouldn't be the center point. The results show that race does NOT matter. I didn't vote for Obama because he is half African-American. I voted for him because he was the best candidate for me. I voted for Change of ideas in the white house... Not change of skin color.

There are so many issues that have been on the back-burner in the past 7 years (since 9/11). I am hopeful we can reset our priorities to focus on OUR country. Education, Healthcare, Unemployment, Social Security...

I have had many unpleasant conversations with doubters and upset McCain supporters. This is disheartening, because I think we are all fighting for the same thing in the end... there's just arguments on the best way to get there. Some people are so worried about who (Democrats or Republicans) will get credit when the things get better. This is absurd--- I just want things to get better!

"A liberal is a man or a woman or a child who looks forward to a better day, a more tranquil night, and a bright, infinite future." ~Leonard Bernstein

Monday, September 29, 2008


I sold this beautiful handmade desk today. I spent a lot of time refinishing it. Although I am happy to make the money, I'm still sad to see it go. Is there such thing as Seller's Remorse... I guess I can always dry my tears with the cash... =)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Before & After

Hubby and I worked hard all weekend. It turned out so great!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just a little magic

Like usual, I am in the middle of a Harry Potter book. I love HP, but it leaves me feeling so inadequate.

For several years I have been trying to discover my magical skills. I have tried many things. Thus far, I have been unable to stop time, teleport, read minds, fly/levitate, blow things up, produce a patronus (which I imagine would be a koala bear or something equally cute yet ferocious), telekinesis, predict the future, change the weather... (and many more)

I also know that there are certain "triggers" necessary to perform magic. I have tried pointing (like Sabrina), wiggling my nose (like Tabitha), waving my hands (like Piper), squinting (like Prue), blinking/nodding (like Jeannie), and I have done my fair share of Swishing and Flicking. Anyone got any other ideas?

I'm not asking for any mind-blowing results. I am not expecting to "jump" to Barcelona. I just want to get thru traffic a little faster or make a glass of water without getting up, and I don't need powers that are made for destruction.

I had a theory that maybe I do have powers, and just haven't discovered them yet. Usually this happens when someone acheives a certain age. Well, 18 came and went--- no powers, no family secrets revealed. I still had hope. 21 came and went--- still no powers... ok, is someone playing a trick on me? I can't be normal...

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Because of popular demand, I will be talking about school today. What? What did you say? You aren't interested in my classes? You don't care if I mis-bubbled an answer on my test and will obsess over that missed point all week? You don't want to hear how my professor always wears turtlenecks? Too bad--- Med School consumes my life, therefore it has earned a hefty spot in this blog.

Today we are going to talk about Renal. (That means kidneys for you lay people... That means pee for you very lay people) Make sure you take the time to analyze your pee on a regular basis. Look for abnormalities in color or amount. If you are at the doctor because of irregular colored urine, feel free to use one of these description words: Smokey, Cloudy, Brown, Blood-tinged, Murky, Turbid, Muddy, Pink, Rusty. Is it possible that urine has more descriptive possibilities than wine?

Renal class is almost over. My excitement for it ended after about 30 seconds. Therefore I have spent about 1,814,370 seconds being unexcited during this class. Can we fast forward to Christmas please?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Destination Weddings

Hubby and I could use a vacation. If someone we know would plan a destination wedding, that would give us the perfect excuse. Now, the hard part--- convincing someone else to have the wedding of OUR dreams!

Yes, we had a great wedding, (and more importantly we had a FREE wedding), but oh how I would've loved a destination wedding. No shoes, standing on the beach, pictures at sunset, outside reception in perfect tropical weather. What more could you ask for?

The argument I got from one bride-to-be:

Bride: everyone will be staying at the same resort as us.

Me: yeah, won't it be fun to be on vacation with all your close friends and family!

Bride: well, what about when we wake up after our wedding day...

Me: huh???

Bride: everyone will know what we just did!

Me: What- pass out in your wedding gown while your groom watches Sportscenter to see what he missed?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Hobby

I have not let Med School make me crazy yet. (yes, "Med School" gets capitalized as if it's a person---it's an evil being with a life of it's own--- more on this later.) Part of the reason I am not crazy, is the fact that I have found a hobby! I love my hobby. I have even roped Hubby into the hobby. He loves the hobby too (as I dangle a pocket watch in front of his face and say "you love my hobby", "you will help with my hobby every weekend", "you will drive for hours to pick up new objects for my hobby", "you will kill your back lifting these objects into the truck").

Can anything bad be said about the hobby? It is undeniable that the garage floor looks like a dalmatian from too many black paint drips. There is also the obsessive email checking to see if anyone has purchased my things (and the ensuing depression when I go an entire day without an inquiry!). In these times, Hubby has to listen as I analyze the situation--- do people really have better things to do than wait around on Craigslist for me to post my priceless pieces? Surely not.

Overall, much money has been made from the hobby. It has been good to me. Maybe "The Hobby" should get capitalized too?