Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ob/Gyn Elective!!!

I am starting off my clinical rotations with my favorite rotation--- ob/gyn!

I love it! Dr. Kindrick is my doctor, and she is awesome! I am learning a ton and getting to see a lot of cool stuff.

One important thing I have learned: People are CRAZY!... and I'm only in private practice--- imagine the things I'll see in the county hospital! I can't wait. I am learning to NOT be shocked by anything that comes out of my patients' mouths. I should start a list of crazy things people say to me, then I can publish a book about it by the end of residency. Does this break HIPPA laws?

I don't feel like I'm ready for patients, but they keep asking me questions, so I must look like I know what I'm doing.

NOTE: I can't figure out a good picture to go along with this post... I'm sure you can figure out why. =)

Friday, April 17, 2009


My Board Exams are coming up! These are the exams that test everything I have been learning for the past 2 years. I will be studying for them 23/6 (NOT 24/7) for the next couple months.

I am very nervous. I have to make myself wake-up early everyday and get straight to work. This is going to be the biggest challenge of all for me. Hubby is going to call and wake me up everyday and confirm that I am out of bed before he hangs up.

I wish I could afford a great vacation after Boards. This would give me something to look forward to and would definitely keep me motivated. However, we don't have enough money, and I am determined not to use the credit cards anymore, except in emergencies. I keep searching the internet for amazing deals, but I don't think anyone is going to offer a Costa Rican vacation for $500. haha

Please keep all the encouragement coming because I will definitely need it over the next couple months. The exams are June 9th and June 13th. After that, I am free for 2 weeks! woohoo!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sweetest Doggies

My best friend: Hubby
My 2nd best friends: tie between Berkley and Annie.

I have the sweetest dogs. You can argue and say your dogs are better, but I assure you, you'd be wrong. My dogs are sweet, fun, playful, well-mannered, and oh so adorable! Plus they have an abundance of fur that is sure to keep you brushing and vacuuming for hours! Who doesn't love that! I love them so much. Hubby and I don't plan on having kids, but we do plan on rescuing as many golden retrievers as possible during our lifetime.

Here's the link for Golden's in the area, if you're looking for a new best friend: North Texas Golden Retriever Rescue

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Twilight Craze

Have you read the Twilight books yet? No? Well, what are you waiting for!

I read the first book a while ago, but I got busy and didn't get around to reading the rest. But, this Christmas, Nik got me the other 3 books! I read them in 1 week--- soooo good! I was obsessed with the story. I couldn't stop reading; I had to know what happened with Edward and Bella. The other 3 books did not disappoint--- (although it took me a while to warm-up to the last one. If you've read it, you know what I mean.)

Now that I've finished the series, emptyness sets in: what will I read now?
If you have any ideas, let me know! Here's some books I have read lately that you might enjoy if you're looking for a new read:
  • The Time Traveler's Wife (becoming a movie soon, so read it fast before they ruin it!)
  • The Uglies Series (Young Adult Sci Fi)
  • Redeeming Love (Romance)
Back to Twilight. I saw the movie, of course. Ugh. It was not what I hoped for. It was alright for a movie, but it doesn't do the book justice.

Does anyone know any guys who have enjoyed Twilight? I tried to get Nik to read it, but no success yet. Right now he's a little preoccupied with his new Xbox 360.

Moral of the Story: Read Twilight. You won't regret it.