Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Twilight Craze

Have you read the Twilight books yet? No? Well, what are you waiting for!

I read the first book a while ago, but I got busy and didn't get around to reading the rest. But, this Christmas, Nik got me the other 3 books! I read them in 1 week--- soooo good! I was obsessed with the story. I couldn't stop reading; I had to know what happened with Edward and Bella. The other 3 books did not disappoint--- (although it took me a while to warm-up to the last one. If you've read it, you know what I mean.)

Now that I've finished the series, emptyness sets in: what will I read now?
If you have any ideas, let me know! Here's some books I have read lately that you might enjoy if you're looking for a new read:
  • The Time Traveler's Wife (becoming a movie soon, so read it fast before they ruin it!)
  • The Uglies Series (Young Adult Sci Fi)
  • Redeeming Love (Romance)
Back to Twilight. I saw the movie, of course. Ugh. It was not what I hoped for. It was alright for a movie, but it doesn't do the book justice.

Does anyone know any guys who have enjoyed Twilight? I tried to get Nik to read it, but no success yet. Right now he's a little preoccupied with his new Xbox 360.

Moral of the Story: Read Twilight. You won't regret it.

1 comment:

Kendall said...

I'm a huge twilight fan! I'm def having a New Moon party when the movie comes out! You have to come :)

I hope the second movie is better than the first!